Saturday, January 28, 2006

Nitogen Narcosis Part 2

Okay, you all should of read the post about Nitrogen Narcosis, and its Dangers. So today was the day we went down to 30 m below sea level. Alex (Instructor) gave us some simple sums to do on the boat before we decended (Something like 32 + 285 + 84) having not used by brain (apart from having to read the time) for the last 13 weeks it took me 20 seconds. Anyway, we reach the bottom of the sea and try to do our sums again (you use a slate to write on) the sum was (96 + 57 + 48).... I couldn't do it. For some reason i thought... 100 + 57 = 157, then just subtract 4. You think i could subtract 4 from 7 !! NO WAY!, a few others managed it but got the answer wrong. I then gave my breathing aperatus to a fish, and started digging in the sand to get deeper. Only joking... I didn't really feel many effects, i felt a bit stupid and smiley, but that was about it. I think you have to go to 40 meters to get the full 'Narked' feeling (I will do that in my Dive Master Course).
So just one last thing about Diving. I have done 9 dives already this week, but tonight we go 'Night Diving', which is supposed to be awesome, all the fish come out, and the Barracudas start hunting. I will be diving off the boat at about 18:30 local time so if at 11:30am think of me swimming around a coral reef in the dark.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

be careful little bro.x and swim with your fingers closed together round baracudas as they think individual fingers are litte fish.x

3:02 PM  

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