Thursday, August 31, 2006

Bikes And Wine

"You like my Reggae music?" the rental guy asks as we peddle off on the tandem we have rented for the day to ride around the Mendozan vineyards and olive fields.
Its a cracking day, there´s not a cloud in the sky as Sam hums the E.T theme tune in my ear as we cycle down a hazy treelined Argentinian country road.

First Stop. The wine museum where we are given a brilliant explanation of wine making in the 16th century. Then into the cellar door to pretend we know what we are on about as we swish and gurgle some reds and whites.

Second Stop. The Chocolate and Liquor factory. Willi Wonkas for grown-ups. One word - heaven. Can´t say much more about this place, except that we left drunk.

Third Stop. Lunch. Almacen Del Sur, which supplies Harrods with its tapenades & preserves. We eat a great meal with some other drunk wine conoseurs we have met on the way. We share a bottle of Trapiche (Marge, Farge, remember that from the Bel & Dragon? They make it here)

Fourth Stop. A grumpy old lady who doesn´t want to share her wine and gives us a very poor tasting. Never buy Vina del Cerno ..... they suck.

Fifth Stop. An epic tour around one of the most modern wineries in the world ´Tempus Alba´. Here we sit on their sunsoaked terrace looking across miles of vineyard sipping on three of their best wines EACH !

Finally now clearly all experts in wine we raid a French botaga where we dunk baguettes into freshly pressed olive oil, eat serano ham and drink rose in their garden while being taught how to make wine by a expert French man.

The day end perfectly peddling back through the vineyards with the sunsetting behind us.
I´m jealous of myself.
Back from heaven.
Chris & Sam


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might imagine that we are also very jealous of you for that trip.
Will try and emulate your day here,riding on the crossbar of your Dad's bike around Bobbington vineyard. The difficult part is finding a sunny day!!

6:57 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Photos of that please!

Cru x

8:41 PM  

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