Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hotel Savaloy

Off the bus in mendoza and we are attacked by the hostel tauts. ´Hotel Savoy´sounds alright and cheap. So we arrive there by taxi. The following is the conversation we had with the Hotel owner (nicknamed old witch) :

Chris: "Tiene una habitacion doble para dos noches?"
Witch: "Si"
Chris: "Es possible mirar"
Witch reluctantly: "Si"
Gets up and leads us to the room. I go in 1st and notice dubious brown and white patches on the bed spread.
Chris: "Tiene una habitacion con cama limpia"
Witch: "No esta sucio, son manchas de comida que no puedo quitar"
I translate. Chris then proceeds to have a look inside the bed, under the sheets at which point the witch explodes!
Witch: "No, no noooo! No puede mirar en la cama!"
I translate. We are both gobsmaked.
Chris: "Vale, adios!"
Sam on exit: "Buena suerte con el negocio!"

English Version

Chris: "Do you have a double room for two nights?"
Witch: "Yes"
Chris: "Can we see it"
Witch reluctantly: "Yes"
Gets up and leads us to the room. I go in 1st and notice dubious brown and white patches on the bed spread.
Chris: "Do you have a room with a clean bed?"
Witch: "It´s not dirty, it´s food stains I can´t get out"
I translate. Chris then proceeds to have a look inside the bed, under the sheets at which point the witch explodes!
Witch: "No, no noooo! You can´t look in the bed!"
I translate. We are both gobsmaked.
Chris: "Ok, goodbye!"
Sam on exit: "Good luck with the business!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you gave us the story in English.I read the Spanish version first and thought that a camel had slept in the bed!!

9:49 PM  
Blogger Search Ladder said...

I read the part of the "Gets up and leads us to the room. I go in 1st and notice dubious brown and white patches on the bed spread." of the Spanish script and understood it well. I was quite chuffed that I had understood Spanish well until I reliased that it was indeed in English :)

7:04 PM  

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