Sunday, November 20, 2005

Chris' ideal day

Chris had his ideal day yesterday. He got up in the morning, had a run, a big hearty breakfast, and then we went on an exploring adventure. The mission was to walk all the way around Koh Samet Island, but did we take the dirt track or find other routes? Find other routes of course!!!
So what did we actually do yesterday? Well, we climbed some rocks, and then we climbed some rock, more rocks, ROCKS..Jungle, rocks, jungle, rocks..... and so on. It would have been ok but I felt kind of vulnerable in my orange sequenned bikini and my new fake Channel shades!

Eventually we got to a new resort (unfinnished) which we had read about, it's AMAZING! It had luxury bungalows with their own infinity pools, private gardens, jacuzzi's and cost 400 pounds per night to stay there. But once we'd dribbled a bit, it was time to somehow find our way back to our little room, we found the track and we must have looked really knackered because a taxi offered to take us back for free.

Then we went out and had a few too many whiskey and cokes, so many that we played 5 rounds of connect 4 and the looser (me) had to do a dare. So thanks to Jon Helm for the head torch which I had to wear for the rest of the night reggardless of being in well lit bars!!!

Ok, that's it for now.

Sam x