Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Yosemite Park and Crazy Election Party

We arrived late last night and booked into a cheap hotel in a small town just outside the park. The woman behind the counter told us that there was going to be an earthquake in San Francisco soon. She could tell because everytime it gets that hot in November there is an earthquake. Great.
We popped into the slightly scary small redneckish town to find some food. The only place that was still open was a small bar next called Jade. We nervously stuck our heads through the door only to be met by a MASSIVE guy who drags us in to a Karaoke crazed drunked brawl of a party to celebrate the local supervisor winning election.
As we walk fully into the bar everybody turns to look. After looking us up and down twice they turn back to thier beers. I can hear squeeling pigs and banjos in my head.
The bar is full of men with baseball caps, no teeth, spitting tabaco, and tattoos of the American flags on thier arms.
There is a free buffet which we get 'told' to eat. We relectantly eat some food only to recieve some more deathly looks from mad old haggered ladies at the bar. We later learnt that everybody had made their own food and bought it to the bar.
I ordered a Bud and settled down only for some caos at the Karaoke machine. A rough looking girl jumps up to the mike and shouts "I F##KING HATE YOU JENNA, GET OUT OF MY LIFE" Everybody in the bar starts hollering at her so she runs out the back door. I'm bursting with laughter loving every minute of it. Next the big guy who dragged us in comes and talks to Sam. He tells her to try one of the cookies. Sam politely replies "Thankyou - yes i already had a few, they were lovely" He roars with laughter telling her that he made them himself and stuffed them full of "them magic mushrooms". Sams face drains and she suddenly comes over dizzy. We prop her against the bar and I order another beer. Next an obviosly very popular contry song come on called 'Sroke me'. All the girls in the bar rush to the front to give the best display of line dancing ever witnessed.
This is one of the cool things about travelling, you can suddenly end up in the craziest situations, and because you are so relaxed, you dont care but just get into it and have a wicked laugh.
Next we meet Ron the texan. We have learnt that Texans are the dangerous ones, they are the ones with the guys who only care about how big stuff is. Texas even has a sign at their state border saying "Dont Mess with Texas!". Anyway, Ron staggers up to Sam and starts telling her that Texas is "Abat one 'undred time bigga dan inglaaand", and that its "900 miles lung 'an 900 mile wide a' its narrowest point" and how we would be able to afford a house there, "arr built forty hauses last year".
My sides are splitting still, get me another beer.
Finally the big man himself walks in to cheers. Tom Wheeler an old guy with a moustach, cowboy neck tie and cowboy boots under his pin stripe suit. He has rudely interupted a massive short haired blond girl with boob tube and skin tight jeans from singing Stupid Cupid and dancing to an imaginary pole.
WE finally decide it is best to leave before guns get drawn. We were belly laughing all the way back to the hotel at the surreal experience.
What a night! We love America, and especially the Americans. They ROCK!

Oh yeah then we came to Yosemite. We reckon it would be nice if we could see through the clouds and rain. We did see some giant trees.

P.S We are stranded as the mustang just broke down. However we did manage to break down by a resturant with internet station. We have 4 hours to wait for the tow truck as there has been a landslide (perhaps due to the imminent earthquake)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That entry was hilarious. It really cheered up our morning:-) Can't wait to see you both on Sunday xx

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I reckon Americans are the wierdest bunch on the planet. they definitely made me laugh a lot when i was over there. i was very disappointed not to see yogi at yosemite. i looked for him for ages.

now can't concentrate at work cos i am looking forward to seeing you so much!

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yogie generally hibernates from October through to April. If it's been a particularly warm autumn you may see him scouting for picnic baskets in November but this would be a rare site indeed.

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bloody Hell!

Is there nowhere in the world that Ruthie "when I was there" has not seen/touched/photographed/visited/experienced/thought this/wished that?

I don't think we needed a blog could have just asked Ruthie to tell us about the wonders of the world "when she was there"?.

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personnally have found Ruthie's comments nothing but insightful and charming .... so you can bog off Gloria!

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're going to scratch your eyes out and poo under your sofa Gloria.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes gloria - especially when i am chatting to my brother who i haven't seen for a year and you are just some saddo surfing the net looking for mates. F off.

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chip is going to get you Gloria. Be afraid Be very afraid.

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gloria, if you had ever been out of Slough you would be able to comment.

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ruthie I love your comments, the comments are just as good as the blog and often have me in stitches...I do confess I am one of those surfers, but am no saddo...I shall miss your comments!

4:38 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Anonymous. You aren't a saddo, its been great having you read the blog, and great for us to have faithfull readers.
Check back once in a while, hopefully we will be escaping again soon.
Love Chris and Sam

4:11 AM  

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