Sunday, April 30, 2006

Dare To Bare

Having made the 1 hour walk to the beach I could tell Chris was eager to get his kit off as he skipped down the stone steps.
As we set foot on the nudist beach his face dropped at the realisation that we'd arrived at low tide, so the distance of his naked "beach towel to sea run" would be longer than he had ever imagined!

Naked people popped up from behind the sand dunes reminding me of Meer cats. And we noticed that the beach was full of men and women of all shapes and sizes, but mostly men...mostly old...of small size. AND, an unusual amount of suspect joggers plaged the beach.

Chris carefully chose his spot midway down the beach between a gay couple each wearing nothing but cowboy hats, and a 60 year old power walker with breast implants that I suspect she'd had done many many MANY years ago!

Chris put his sarong down and stared at the sand deliberating the prospect of revealing his fluorescent white butt. And then, off came the shorts!!
He was a little bashful at 1st but you all know Chris, he's not one to do things by half. After 10 minutes toasting his back and front he sprung to his feet and skipped arms flailing with the enthusiasm of a puppy into the Ocean. I almost split my sides with laughter as he jumped over waves flamboyantly, and performed starjumps in shallow water exclaiming "I'm free!I'm freeeeee!".
Following 10 minutes of flopping around in the waves he expressed his concern at being stung by a jelly fish and returned to the shore.
Happy that he'd ticked a box in the "things to do before you're 30" list he returned to the relative safety of his army green board shorts.

So I hope you'll join me in congratulating him on what has been a very daring bare!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Chris, it looks like you were born to it, is this the start ofsomething big!!

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I had the feeling that no matter what number was the winner, Chris was gonna be the one. He seemed so eager to take his kit off :-).

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What can I say mate, well done, although the beach does look rather void of other revelers are you sure the bet was paid in full, perhaps you need to do it again ensuring we can see a back drop of other free spirits - only then can we be sure....

PS Thank god for the censorship it could give you the willies !

3:46 PM  

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